24th APRIL 2016
Dedication of Leighton & B.R.A.G. Garden in North Street
Despite the inclement weather many people turned up to witness the Dedication of the garden now known as the Leighton Garden – commemorating Dora & Jim Leighton who both did much for the village and also remembering the Bridgtown Residents Action Group who helped stop the village being demolished and turned into a massive Industrial Park.
The Vicar of Bethel Church, the reverend Edwin Myers, led the dedication and there was a speech by Parish Council Chairman, Mr Eddie Smith.
Among those present was County Councillor for Bridgtown, Alison Spicer, Parish Councillors Eddie Smith & wife Sue, Maureen Freeman and John Kraujolis, Mr Bob Leighton his wife Becky and Jim Leighton’s son representing the Leighton family and Mrs Jeanette Cartwright, representing the BRAG contingent. There was a welcome visit from former Society Chairman and now life member Mr Tony Pearson and wife Anne. There was also a good turnout from the Society, many of whom were also present as members of the Church, former BRAG members and other groups.

The unveiling took place and then all went to the Bethel Church where there were short speeches by Mr. Eddie Smith who read out a prepared speech from Mr. Barry Cartwright ( first Council Chairman of the Parish), Mr. John Devey for the Society and a poigniant speech from Mrs Peggy Greenway. There was a grand buffet laid on and the vicar gave Grace.
23rd April 2016
As some of you may know 1st July 1916 was the start of one of the hardest fought and bloodiest battles of World War 1 – “The Battle of the Sommeâ€. In conjunction with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, there will be events and projects undertaken throughout the 141 days (the length of the battle) remembering those dark days. Here is a video by the actor, Hugh Dennis, outlining the CWGC’s propositions:
CWGC Hugh Dennis
We will keep updating this worthwhile project as things progress
April 2016
The talk at the Bethel this morning was an enlightning and amusing one given by member Mr Peter Bates who was aided and abetted by some of other well known Longfordites and a few memory jogging photographs.
A change of Telephone numbers for the Member Secretary (Bob Brevitt) has caused a few problems with the team as Bob (Me) didn’t give any notice so all thought I’d gone into the spy business. My new number for those predisposed to calling me is 01922 411942. The Contacts list has been updated.
The Bridgtonian for Spring 2016 is now out and being distributed. As membership lapsed at the end of March, we will be ceasing to send to those not renewing after this issue. So get your membership renewed ASAP as the Bridgtonian for non-members costs £1.75 .